Matthew Smith

Matt & Sarah Smith are bringing Christ to the nations through education! The couple teaches the children of missionaries and locals in Antigua, Guatemala. Education is a platform for evangelism, discipleship, and enabling communities to realize a brighter future. Providing education also plays a critical role in encouraging cross-cultural ministry workers to go and stay in needy areas.

Matthew & Sarah Smith are also the founders and creators of a ministry called Encounter: Education in Missions. It is a ministry which seeks to provide the resources needed for small educational centers to be established around the globe. Check out the website at

The couple stepped into their missionary calling in 2009. While working in Africa and Spain, the Smiths were introduced to the ministry concept of Christian international schools. After many years of youth ministry experience, the Smith’s strongly sensed that God was leading them into education ministry. The Lord opened the door for the family to move to Guatemala in November of 2015.

Matthew holds a Bachelor of Science in Special Education from Liberty University and is also a licensed NILD therapist. He has a passion for seeing youth develop into godly leaders through education and discipleship. Jumping into overseas mission trips at a young age, Matthew always knew that God was preparing him for cross-cultural ministry. While attending Bible College, Matthew met his wife Sarah. The couple was married in August of 2006.

Sarah holds an Interdisciplinary Studies Bachelor of Science from Liberty University and graduates with Masters of Arts in Education from Liberty University in 2020. As the daughter of missionaries in Mexico and the niece of long-time missionaries to Guatemala, moving to Central America felt like coming home. Building relationships with her students in Guatemala and influencing them for Christ is one of her greatest joys and privileges. Sarah also loves to write, and has begun creating devotional books and other literature for overseas missionaries.  

The couple has been blessed with four children. Hannah (2009 – with the Lord), Anneliese (2011), Corrin (2014) and Lucy (2015). Matthew grew up in the Florida panhandle, while Sarah spent most of her childhood in Nebraska. When in the States, Matt and Sarah call Caledonia, Michigan home.

We are in an Administrative Partnership with CMN.